Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A good fiber day to all!

Well it has been an exciting week for sure. We almost stepped out and purchased two more fiber boys but considering many financial factors we have decided to wait though it would have been a good step toward increasing our fiber output.

I have been involved in many discussions about alpacas and fiber farming as a viable alternative to breeding programs. I think it is sad to see when farms with great animals are so focused on breeding for money that they likely many times let fiber go to waste and destroy less than premium fiber. BTW, let me know if you have 1sts, 2nds and 3rds that you do not want as I may be willing to pay to have them shipped to my farm.

Anyway, I look forward to working with and networking with many other smaller and fiber farms while we all try to make a business out of the true reason for us to keep alpacas as a livestock. If alpacas are not kept for fiber, then they sure are an expensive pet! I read something like that posted elsewhere but I think it is very fitting.

Contact Me if you would like to share links to blogs or other web pages. I am mainly looking for others working toward building good fiber farms though. A good blog is being kept by at http://alpacasprings.blogspot.com.

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