Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The great alpacas search!

Well, for us it's a great search with many rules and things to follow. There are lots of questions to ask when doing this probably for every person at every farm. for us as non-breeders and male only it may be a little simpler but it does not appear to be much.

So our questions we are mulling through include do we venture into any suri alpacas? How much room do we have and how will it limit any future purchases? What are we willing to pay? Should we venture into colors since we have all white now? How do we make sure we have companions and the right group sizes to put the boys in? How much will the additions add to our costs for food and medications? How far are we willing to travel to get our new boys?

Well that seems like enough for us to mull over for now. We are debating the addtion of 2 or 3. We have 1 likely candidate and then 4 others we are reviewing closely. We'll keep you posted as we progress through the process.

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