Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's finally starting to look like a real pasture!

I have to say thanks to my wonderful hubby for all the hard work he has put into getting our barn ready for our newest boys. He spent almost every night and all day on weekends for the past few weeks expanding our pasture area by putting up fence and putting in another pen so that we can actually have enough room for more alpacas...which will be coming home this weekend!

He even used an idea given to him by 4K Alpacas and built a brand new hay dispenser for the boys to eat from. While the boys were much more eager to get to the grass on the new side, they did take time to stop and nibble out of the new dispenser.

Everyone is looking forward to getting Jupiter and Elijah home. Elijah is our first Suri, it's going to be fun learning about the differences between Huacaya and Suri's. We were really hoping that we would be able to get all three of our new alpacas home, but Cyclone, another Suri, is just not ready to leave his mommy yet. This also means that we will not be able to show Cyclone at the National show in May, but hopefully he will grow enough that we can get him home and training for some fall shows.

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