Sunday, April 5, 2009

The day is finally here!

Well we had another long day yesterday. Though we did not show a single animal, we spent lots of time watching our friends in various events. We also went to all the shops and stalls to meet people and learn more about the industry. It's obvious that there is lots we just do not know.

The alpacas are odd in that we had to spend some time yesterday cleaning them up just a bit. Mainly just removing droppings that are not supposed to be on them. They keep laying right in the stuff they put on the floor making us do that over and over again. I'd think they would quit doing that since they hate getting cleaned off.

Well we are all a bit tired, but ready for today. Wish us luck in our first showing! Oh, we did catch a huge break, none of our boys are in the same groupings so they do not have to immediately compete against eachother. In the even that we get any 1st or 2nds then we have a chance they could meet up in the color champion round.

Off to the show!

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